I just really feel like sharing some of my pet peeves,
these are in no particular order.
these are not directed to any specific person, it's just me.
1. when you run into people that never once gave a crap about you and then you see them somewhere and they freak out.
Example: you go to school with the girls or guys, well mostly girls, and you seem them at school.. you guys just walk by or smile.
you see them at the mall and they come up to you and are like "heyyyy! how are you?! you look so good! we needa hang out!"
yeah since we talk all the time.?
2. When guys try to hit on you and they fail, then they pretend like it was a joke or blame it on someone else.
3. When guys use the "Nice guys finish last" excuse.
your probably aiming for a girl who her "dream guy" is tan, dark, buff, hot, rich and hot. please tell me where "nice" fits into that list. or girls who probably can't keep a conversation with a rock because all they do is gossip. or girls who are out of your league. If anything, nice guys finish first, with a wife and a great savings account.
4. When girls use the "Nice girls finish last" excuse.
Oh. yeah, that never happens.
5. the "friend zone" excuse, no girl goes up to a freaking guy and is like "sorry we can't date your in my friend zone, and once you are there, their is no way of getting out." NO.
its easier to say your in the friend zone then to admit your to shy to take initiative, or to prideful to get rejected
but, when girls are like "you're like a brother to me" yeah that's a slap in the face for boys. i admit that.
6. when people put up a picture on facebook or twitter or instagram and the caption to their picture is like " om my gosh. i look so bad." if you actually thought you looked bad you probably wouldn't have put it up in the first place.
we all know your just fishing for compliments.
7. when you hold the door for someone and they don't say thank you...
i just wasted two seconds of my life to hold the door for you. please waste two seconds of yours to thank me.
8. when people ride their bike in the middle of the road.
please get off the road you aren't a car.
9. when people walk really slow in front of you at the mall.
and I'm not just saying one person, cause you can just figure your way around them, but when its like five people stretched out in a line so there's no way of getting around.
so if your walking in front of me.. just move your slow little butts to the side, or, speed it up and don't be a turtle.
10. when people chew with their mouth open.
11. when people put other people down to make themselves feel better.
12. when giirlz type like dis
"i luv ma babii boo xoxo 4eva"
"Hi baybeehhhhh ! Ya needs to txt me :* lahhyoubae"
yup, i copied and pasted these from people on facebook.
13. when someone doesn't accept a compliment.
girls do this a lot and i use to not gonna lie, then i gave this one guy a compliment not to long ago like maybe two weeks ago or something and he just would not take it! and i was like hmm.. i can see why this bugs other boys so much when we don't take compliments.
i learned that even if i do not agree just say thank you and keep your mouth shut.
because that person is trying to be nice!
14. when i do my nails and let them dry for like two hours then i hit them with something! and, they are just crap after that. you think after two hours of letting your nails dry they'd be like iron.
15. when people leave their dogs in cars while they go shopping, especially on really hot days.
(not that we have to worry about that in Utah the weather changes every hour)
but still it just makes me wonder how long they've been in there! so sad.
16. i feel like every time i blog a particular subject i have to apologize at the beginning because some people think it's directed towards them. when in the beginning i said it wasn't directed to anyone in particular.
17. when someone is sick as a dog yet they still go to school.
i know you want perfect attendance but it won't kill ya if you stay home,
it might kill ya if you go to school.
just stay home, nobody else wants to get sick.
18. girls that say they hate drama.
everyone hates drama but I'm talking about the girls who say that and are the cause of drama.
19. when someone else calls my best friend their best friend.
20. these commercials.
21. people who smack their gum.
22. when people ask me "oh you speak Mexican?"
no. i speak Spanish.
23.on instagram when girls #nofilter and you see that there is a filter! that one isn't so common but #nomakeup
and you can clearly see they are wearing make up.
24. when girls put pictures up and the caption is
"sweat pants, hair tied, chillin with no make up on"
no one cares.
25. when people try to insult me but they use horrible grammar.
bad grammar is just a turn off.
and im just gonna stop here because i feel like i am ranting.