
Monday, October 8, 2012

I speak my mind.

First off this is MY blog.
MY thoughts.
And MY Opinion.
 You my dear reader are more then welcome to disagree with what i have to say.
I encourage you to.
But don't get mad and upset at me for posting what i want
 because in no way do i mean to offend anyone what so ever.
This goes for my facebook as well.
and just keep in my mind that i am not making you read this
you my dear stalker chose to read it yourself!
just sayin.

For those of you who didn't know, but how could you not? It happens every 6 months!
General Conference was this last weekend.
LOVE it.
i get to be in sweats and chill and listen to the leaders of our church say some remarkable things.
Biggest news was the age change for men and woman being able to serve missions at 18 and 19.
i was extremely happy about it but a little taken back no lie.
uh.. if i wanted to serve a mission i'd be out in 5 months!
that's crazy!
"peace out college im going to serve the lord!"
it's some great news!scratch that *amazing* news!
but then i posted a status that caused a little facebook war and made me look negative? here's what it was.

I don't really know how it was negative or rude or whatever some people got offended about,
so here's something positive,
if i decide not to go on a mission i get all the Returned Missionaries to myself! Haa:)
no where in this status did i say it was about general conference.
well, it was.
but it could have been about anything like the BYU game?! or something.
yes it was about general conference but it wasn't about the mission thing specifically it was about general conference in general! still don't get what i mean? here's another picture someone posted.
 funny eh?
or maybe you don't think so but that's great,
 you do your thing i'll do mine,
and well all live in peace.
someone commented on my status and said like "freedom of speech they can comment or post what they want" something along those lines.
excuse me? what did i do on my status?
isn't that freedom of speech? or does that not count cause im brown? haha.
that seemed a little hypocritical to me.
I am way happy for all those young men who get to serve the lord so soon and woman who want to and are willing to. it's absolutely incredible!
I wasn't bugged seeing all the status about leaving on missions at all but what i was bugged about was that people also don't understand how much maturity and preparation it takes to go on a mission.
Some girls who kept posting about going on a mission you and i both know that they probably aren't worthy enough to go.
I saw a couple girls who smoke weed and get drunk every once in a while say they are so excited to serve the lord!
Excuse me hun, they changed the age limit,
they never once said it was okay to drink, do drugs and have sex, then you can serve a mission.
Isn't that a little fake and hypocritical?
Don't get me wrong people make mistakes all the time and you can repent and pray about going on a mission and stuff.
But don't say it to impress people or fit in.
Go on a mission if your READY
Go on a mission if your PREPARED
Go on a mission if your WORTHY.