
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

25 Confessions.

1.I sometimes think I was born in the wrong era.
2. When I was seven I killed my pet bunny by flushing it down the toilet.. I though it wanted a bath. No joke.
3. As much as I call my dog ugly I really do like her.
4. I want to leave Utah and start somewhere new but im absolutely terrified of this world.
5. I have honestly thought about my future a billion times wondering if i'll ever get married.
6. If im 25 and still single Im going on the bachelor.
7. No matter how much I eat I always have room for dessert.
8. I'm always eating. Always.
9. I worry about pleasing others more than myself.
10. If you eat my food and I don't feel like sharing I will cut you.
11. I've secretly wondered if I'll die alone with cats. Like For real.
12. I cried on the night of the Justin Bieber concert because I didn't get to go.
13. If I flirt with you over text and do "" this. Don't ask me to do it in person I look like an idiot.
14. I've never been to an Olive Garden, Texas Roadhouse or Happy Sumo.
15. In elementary Sean Lee gave me my first purse and I started a collection that ended up to 94 purses..
16. I have an alarm set for 11:11 everyday so I don't miss it. Ever. 
17. The meaning of my name is "the dark one; of the devil" I don't think my parents knew that when they named me.
18.In 7th grade I met my best friend.
19. In 8th I hated her. Hi Ally.
20. I absolutely love Halloween, it's my all-time favorite holiday.
21. I don't think anyone will ever understand how much me and my friends truly went through together in 2012.
22. If I could be anyone in the world I really would be Zach Galifinakis. 
23. my favorite part of a relationship is when they are complete strangers and you play those stupid get to know you games. I don't know why.
24. I hope that my first marriage is my only marriage.
25. And my real names Fat Patricia.
And now it's your turn.


Unknown said...

number 2, you are an evil person.
number 10 & 19 made me laugh so hard!
number 14, let's go nigga!!

you are weird! hahahahaha but i luuuuuh youuuuu. kinda, sometimes

Karlisha. said...

Hahahaha if the shoes fits right? haha but for real! I've always wanted to try sushi!