
Thursday, December 13, 2012


I get these random little epiphany's and just start to write,
so here goes nothing. 
Everyone around me is either:
has kids,
has a serious boyfriend/girlfriend,
has a missionary,
or is going on a mission.
Then there's me,
-still trying to figure out what i wanna do in life,
-still trying to figure out who i am
-deciding if I want to serve a mission
-and what im gonna wear tomorrow

I hate those questions grown ups ask like
so what are you going to study in school?
me: "no freaking idea."
what do you wanna be when you grow up?
"I don't know"
are you gonna serve a mission?
that is seriously how it goes.
like, on the daily.

then a little bit ago i registred for my classes,
applied for a new job
and I was like "oh man, shiz just got real"
I'm not gonna lie i hate this whole be an adult thing
and im kinda scared of change
but then i realized resisting change can paralyze you,
but I'm learning that you can't be afraid of change
sometimes you just have to go with it,
life is happening all around us constantly changing
and you can't live life looking over your shoulder
afraid of the past.
Never look back
there's no telling what you'll find yourself doing,
this moment right now however hard and confusing it is,
is the most important moment of our lives
you can spend so much time and moments of your life re-inventing yourself that,
you end up losing yourself.
I once thought that some things never change but the truth is everything changes
"Day by day, nothing seems to change. But pretty soon, everything's different."-Unknown
the trick is not to fight it,
life is full of little surprises.

here's a picture of a panda,
casue it get's me everytime:)
I just died laughing.

 if that didn't make you smile, i don't know what will.